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Society For Women And Youths Affairs joins the international community today to celebrates this year’s Universal Children’s day that was launched in 1954.
As the anniversary holds today, Society for Women and Youths Affairs draws the attention of parents, individuals and government at all levels to the issues of child’s right to quality education in Nigeria and the need to address them.
Child trafficking is modern day slavery. Trafficking of children in Nigeria for domestic services and other forms of exploitative labour is a common phenomenon in Nigeria. Some children are taken away from their homes and parents with promises of a well-paid job in the cities but the reverse becomes the case. In our public schools, children are denied the right to quality education by not providing basic educational needs for our children. children’s rights such as the rights to be protected from violence and discrimination and the rights to life, health and education are areas parents and government at all levels need to respect and protect. Government also needs to address the issues of poverty, desperation to escape violence, corruption, unemployment, illiteracy and ignorance to curb the incessant incidences of child trafficking in Nigeria. These issues have brought untold hardship to quite a number of children which is an anomaly that is eating the fabric of our society. Also pertinent to note is the high number of children who are made orphans and vulnerable as a result of violent killings of parents. Government programs and policies must also be made to address this burning issue to avoid having a chaotic society.
Child abuse manipulates and twists a child’s natural sense of trust and love. Children’s innocent feelings are belittled or mocked and they learn to bottle their feelings. The child can’t afford to feel the full range of feelings in her body while that child is being abused. It is in this generation that violence and vengeance remain the only solutions to their problems. It is only this generation that human heads are taken off and displayed like masquerade. That is how humanity has lost his value in the society. We must all work together to protect the place of our children in government policies, at homes and any space the children occupy in life.
To promote and protect children’s rights to quality education, Society For Women And Youths Affairs has been supporting less privileged kids through her annual Back to School and Read-2-Lead Project to encourage the younger generation acquire quality education and rise up to their rights at home, schools and the market places. We at SWAYA therefore reaffirm our commitment to promoting and protecting the rights of children all over the world especially the Niger Delta children for a secured future.

Stella Amanie
Executive Director

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